The Committee of the Unforeseen The Co-Committee of Inferences The Co-Committee of Inventions The Sub-Committee of Imaginary Solutions The Doctrinal Sub-Committee The Sub-Committee of Forms and Graces The Sub-Committee of Chromology The Sub-Committee of Probabilities The Sub-Committee of Usures The Sub-Committee of Revisions The Sub-Committee of Inexact Sciences The Sub-Committee of Places The Sub-Committee of Days and Nights The Sub-Committee of the Great Extraordinary The Sub-Committee of the Promptuary The Sub-Committee of Prices and Budgetary Pronostics The Sub-Committee of Minds The Sub-Committee of Glory and Protuberances The Intermission of Apotheoses The Intermission of the Fine and Ugly Arts The Sub-Committee of Productive Incompetences The Sub-Committee of Epiphanies and Ithyphanies The Sub-Committee of Attempts (in the sense of murder or assassination) The Sub-Committee of Anomphalies The Sub-Committee of Lalology The Sub-Committee of the Cantonade The Sub-Committee of Orpheons, Cliques and Claques The Sub-Committee of Paraphrases The Sub-Committee of Frontograpy The Sub-Committee of Cercopsies and Plagiarisms The Sub-Committee of Hypotheses and Pedestals The Committee of Soups and Minutes The Committee of the Ersatz The Intermission of Approximations The Intermission of the Umwertung The Sub-Committee of Types The Committee of Order and Time The Sub-Committee of the Ordinary and the Small Extraordinary The Sub-Committee of Part-timers, Parallages and Substitutions The Sub-Committee of Biases The Sub-Committee of Disparates The Sub-Committee of Unfinished Work The Sub-Committee of the House of His Magnificence (a crocodile) The Sub-Committee of the Great Exterior The Sub-Committee of Kinds The Sub-Committee of Anhistoric and Historic Monuments The Sub-Committee of Onomonyms The Intermission of Anagrams The Sub-Committee of Interpretations The Intermission of Translations and Treasons The Intermission of Imaginary Commodities The Sub-Committee of Equivalences The Sub-Committee of the Infinitesimal and of Leptologies The Sub-Committee of the Pope Marcel The Sub-Committee of Metastases, Assumptions, Diadoses and Assolements The Sub-Committee of Implications and Muddle-Clutches The Sub-Committee of Victualling and Tidying-Up The Intermission of Resumptions The Intermission of Evacuations The Sub-Committee of Horned Bread The Intermission of Truffles The Sub-Committee of the Spikenardograph The Sub-Committee of Funiculars The Sub-Committee of Rubber Stamps The Sub-Committee of Badger-brushes The Sub-Committee of Escorts and Parapomps The Committee of Ellipses, Eclipses and Anaesthesias The Sub-Committee of the Impredicable and Epithets The Sub-Committee of Inadequations The Sub-Committee of Canons and Parangons The Intermission of the Improvement of Means The Sub-Committee of Paranomies The Sub-Committee of Insinuated Moralities The Sub-Committee of Anachronism and Local Colour The Committee of Lice-entiousness and Harmonies...
(The translator will not be held responsible for mystifications arising from incompetence, real or imagined.)
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